Try to choose a reduction ratio that is close to the ideal:
Reduction ratio=servo motor speed/reducer output shaft speed
Torque calculation:
For the lifespan of the gearbox, torque calculation is very important, and attention should be paid to the maximum torque value (TP) of the acceleration, whether it exceeds the maximum load torque of the gearbox
Selection of gearbox model and precautions:
The applicable power is usually the applicable power of servo models on the market. The applicability of reducers is high, and the working coefficient can be maintained above 1.2. However, the selection can also be determined according to one's own needs:
There are two key points:
A. The output shaft diameter of the selected servo motor cannot exceed the maximum used shaft diameter on the table.
B. If the working speed can meet normal operation through torque calculation, but there is a shortage when the servo is fully output, we can perform current limiting control on the driver on the motor side or torque protection on the mechanical shaft, which is necessary.
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